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Different Types of Spousal Support in NJ - What's Right for You?

Unbeknownst to many divorcees, there are actually different types of spousal support that alimony recipients can pursue. Depending on the circumstances of your case, one kind of alimony may fit your needs more than another - today's blog helps you identify the best kind of spousal support for your case.

To schedule a consultation with our team and speak with an experienced alimony lawyer in NJ, contact us online or via phone at (908) 274-3028.

Pendente Lite Alimony

Pendente lite alimony (also known as "temporary alimony" colloquially) is often established early in the divorce process and remains in place until the divorce is finalized.

If you believe that you will be financially stable when the divorce is finalized by need financial assistance to maintain a good quality of life during your divorce, speak with your attorney about pursuing pendente lite alimony. If you believe you will continue to require financial assistance after your divorce is finalized, a different type of alimony may be necessary.

Limited Duration Alimony

Limited duration alimony, also occasionally called "term" or "durational alimony," often remains in place for a certain amount of time post-divorce.

Limited duration alimony is common in situations where one spouse requires financial assistance to maintain a good quality of life, but can take defined steps to become financially independent (such as obtaining further education or training). Courts typically establish a pre-determined end-date for limited duration alimony to encourage the recipient to take the appropriate steps and become financially independent within a reasonable timeframe.

If you may need financial assistance after finalizing the divorce but have a way to re-enter the workforce or become financially independent in the near future, limited duration alimony may be perfect for you.

Reimbursement Alimony

Frequently, people assume that the higher-earning spouse is always responsible for alimony payments. This is usually the case, but not in every divorce.

Sometimes, a spouse may request rehabilitative alimony to pay for financial contributions they made toward their spouse's wellbeing during the marriage.

For example, let's say your spouse is attending graduate school during the marriage, and you contribute to their tuition under the assumption that your spouse's increased wages after graduating could help provide you both with a better quality of life.

If you divorce before your spouse graduates or can repay your financial contributions to them, you may be able to obtain rehabilitative alimony. If you contributed significantly to your spouse's finances during the marriage, talk with your attorney to discuss whether rehabilitative alimony could be an option for you.

Open Durational Alimony

Open durational alimony also referred to as "permanent alimony," has no set end date. Open durational alimony is common in situations where one spouse lacks the ability to become financially independent due to circumstances such as a medical condition or another insurmountable barrier.

If you believe open durational alimony is appropriate for your case, speak with your attorney. It is worth noting, however, that open durational alimony requests are often placed under more scrutiny than other alimony arrangements due to the significant burden they can place on the alimony payor.

Hopefully, this overview of different types of alimony in New Jersey has helped you define what type of alimony arrangement you wish to pursue in your divorce!

To schedule a consultation with our team and receive help from an experienced alimony attorney, contact us online or via phone at (908) 274-3028.
