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How to Tell Your Children About Divorce

To say filing for divorce can be difficult is probably an understatement. For parents, one major aspect of the process - telling the kids - can make it even more challenging. Today, we're giving out advice that can help parents familiarize their children with the divorce process.

To schedule a consultation with our team, contact us online or via phone at (908) 274-3028.

Different Ages Require Different Approaches

How your child reacts to news of divorce may largely depend on their age.

For example, younger children often have difficulty understanding the concept of their parents being apart and may simply refuse to acknowledge the reality of the divorce. Conversely, an older child may be more emotionally affected but choose to hide those emotions.

One of the best ways to understand how a divorce is really impacting your child is by paying attention to how they interact with or behave around others.

For example, your child may tell you they're fine with the divorce, but if their grades suddenly begin to drop or they stop going to extracurricular activities, it could be a sign you should pry a little deeper.

Tell Them Together

Depending on how estranged you are from your soon-to-be-ex, telling your child about the divorce as a team may be difficult.

However, it's often helpful for children to know that both parents still love them and will continue to play a role in their lives during and after the divorce. Presenting the news as a team can help reinforce this perspective.

Work with a Family Therapist

A trained family psychologist can be an invaluable resource when you're telling your kids about divorce. They'll possess a greater understanding of how a divorce may impact your child, depending on their age and maturity.

Additionally, they may be capable of helping you come up with an empathetic script for introducing the topic of divorce and working through it with your family.

At DeTommaso Law Group, LLC, our lawyers help New Jerseyans navigate the divorce process.

To schedule a consultation with our team, contact us online or via phone at (908) 274-3028.
