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Fearless Family Law & Divorce Representation 908-274-3028

Understanding Child Custody Laws in New Jersey

Family figurines and court hammer.

Divorce is a tough time for everyone, especially for children. When a marriage dissolves, parents must consider the well-being of their kids while figuring out custody arrangements. The state of New Jersey has specific laws concerning child custody, and understanding these laws can help parents navigate the process without sacrificing the best interests of their children. In this blog post, we’ll review different types of custody, the factors that courts consider when determining custody, and provide insights on how parents can work together to create a parenting plan.

Types of Custody Arrangements

There are two main types of custody arrangements in New Jersey: legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody refers to the right of a parent to make significant decisions about the child's life, such as education, religion, and medical care. On the other hand, physical custody refers to where the child resides.

Within these two types of custody arrangements, there are different options that parents can choose from. Sole custody means one parent has complete physical and legal custody of the child. Joint legal custody means both parents can make significant decisions about the child's life, even if the child resides primarily with one parent. Joint physical custody is when the child spends considerable time with both parents, and they share physical custody.

Factors Considered by the Court

Several factors are taken into account when determining custody in New Jersey. Among these factors, the court considers each parent’s ability to provide a stable home environment, financial stability, and willingness to foster the relationship between the child and the other parent. The court looks at the child’s age, health, interests, and relationship with each parent. The primary consideration is what is in the best interests of the child.

Parents Can Work Together

Regarding custody arrangements, the court prefers when parents can work together to devise a plan that serves their child's best interests. Ideally, parents will put their differences aside and create a parenting plan that outlines custody arrangements, visitation schedules, and child support.

Parents can work with their attorneys to create a parenting plan that addresses their unique needs and concerns. The plan should include as much detail as possible to avoid misunderstandings and disputes. It is also essential for both parents to be flexible and open to changes as their child's needs and circumstances change.

Navigating Child Custody Laws in New Jersey

Navigating child custody laws in New Jersey can be a confusing and emotionally charged experience. However, understanding the different types of custody arrangements and the factors courts consider can help parents make informed decisions. At DeTommaso Law Group, LLC, we are here to provide legal support and guidance to parents going through a divorce. Our experienced attorneys can help you create a parenting plan that works for you and your child's unique needs.

Contact us today at (908) 274-3028 to schedule an initial consultation and learn more about how we can assist you through this challenging time.

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